Thursday, May 28, 2020

Progress Report

I am grateful to everyone who has purchased a copy of Ghosts and Gold: My Story of Ghost Ranch. At this point I am sure most of those purchases have been made by friends, but hope the book might gain some traction with others in time. My marketing budget is tiny, so if you’ve read it and liked it, please recommend it to someone else who might appreciate it.

Barnes and Noble has it available as a NOOK book, but so far the e-version is not available on Amazon. I will check it again in a few days and see if it’s there; if not, I will have to figure it out., which supports indy book stores, is offering a discount on the purchase price, so please be sure to check there if you want a hard copy.

I’ve been aware of strange pricing options on Amazon, and they’ve hit my book. Amazon itself offers it new for its asking price ($11.99), but if you want you can buy it “used (nearly new)” from a site called “californiabooks” for about $28. What is that about? Do they sell lots of books that way? Does the author/publisher get more money when they do? Any explanations for that phenomenon?

Finally, a friend, whose husband is now receiving palliative care, wrote to me: “Your book has provided much needed moments of wonderful memories as I sit with (him) and makes me want to return at the first opportunity. Well done!”

That may be the most moving “review” Ghosts and Gold: My Story of Ghost Ranch will ever receive. I am very grateful.

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